(LJUBLJANA, May 2023)—On May 26, 2023, 80 states adopted the Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and Other International Crimes, also known as the Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) treaty—a landmark treaty designed to reduce impunity for perpetrators of crimes through facilitating the investigation and prosecution of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Under this treaty, states have a process to assist each other to extradite perpetrators, share evidence, and support criminal proceedings if perpetrators of mass atrocities or the effects of such crimes cross borders.
In advance of a convening of diplomatic representatives to negotiate the terms of this treaty, Fortify Rights published a news release on May 17, 2023 analyzing the provisions under the treaty, underscoring the need for the treaty in the region, and urging ASEAN and other U.N. member states to adopt the treaty. As a member of the Asia Justice Coalition, Fortify Rights also contributed to the development of video on the possibilities and challenges in pursuing justice in Southeast Asia ahead of the MLA treaty negotiations.