(BANGLADESH, August 1, 2021)–Oxfam International selected two photos by Fortify Rights Rohingya Media Fellow Azimul Hasson as among the winning photographs of its 2021 “Rohingya Voices: Crisis, Resilience and Hope” arts campaign. The two winning photographs, entitled “Rooftops” and “Aftermath of the Fire,” depicts scenes from the devastating March 22 fire in the Cox’s Bazar refugee camps.
As part of his submission, Azimul Hasson shared his love for photograhy, saying:
Azimul Hasson’s photographs is among 13 winning visual art submissions. Oxfam selected the winning submissions based on how well the submission told a compelling story or shared an important perspective related to the theme of the competition, the power of the submission and its alignment with Oxfam’s values, and its reflection of diversity in terms of style and form of the submission as well as gender and geographic location of the artist. The winning selections are featured on Oxfam’s website and social media channels and may be shown in various public forums, including Oxfam-organized art exhibitions.